I recently started reading, or actually hearing (audio book), the banned books from the bible. This book doesn’t include all of them but most from what I gather.

It starts with the first 2 books of Adam and Eve.

Did anyone realize how many times they ACTUALLY committed suicide after they sinned and had to leave the garden of Eden? … I was stunned by that new discovery. They were so miserable not being in the garden and in the presence of God anymore that they wanted to be dead instead.

Here’s a portion of the First book of Adam and Eve:

Adam And Eve Die From Grief, But The Word Raises Them From The Dead
6:1 But God looked at them; for they had killed themselves through great grief. 2
But He decided to raise them and comfort them. 3 He, therefore, sent His Word
to them; that they should stand and be raised immediately.

They were so grieved that they died. Then another portion says that they drowned themselves, that’s how much they wanted nothing of the world BUT GOD!!!

The Word Raises Adam And Eve From A Death By Drowning
10:1 Then God, merciful and gracious, looked at them thus lying in the water,
and close to death, and sent an angel, who brought them out of the water, and
laid them on the seashore as dead. 2 Then the angel went up to God, was
welcome, and said, “O God, Your creatures have breathed their last.” 3 Then
God sent His Word to Adam and Eve, who raised them from their death.

Yet every time God brought them back to life. His Word raised them from the dead.

This made want to analyze for myself how amazing must it be to be in God’s presence that when you’re no longer in it, your life seems worthless…

Nonetheless Abba is wanting us to live our lives on this earth as He called us to. He has a calling for us, He has a plan that He wants us to fulfill for His glory. There’s nothing wrong yearning to be with Him and in His presence, but for now we are to fight the good fight. He desires for ALL His children to be with Him for eternity and that’s why our walk and our testimony will touch the lost ones… It will stir them to want to know the grace of the Almighty as well and experience the peace and joy that only He alone can give.