Category: Mustard Seeds (page 4 of 4)

Perfect Love

1 Samuel 16:7 (NLV) But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

How easy is it to fall prey to judging someone by their appearance? Continue reading

Let Me clear the Path

1 Kings 19:11-13 (VOICE) Eternal One:  Leave this cave, and go stand on the mountainside in My presence. The Eternal passed by him. The mighty wind separated the mountains and crumbled every stone before the Eternal. This was not a divine wind, for the Eternal was not within this wind. After the wind passed through, an earthquake shook the earth. This was not a divine quake, for the Eternal was not within this earthquake.  After the earthquake was over, there was a fire. This was not a divine fire, for the Eternal was not within this fire. After the fire died out, there was nothing but the sound of a calm breeze. And through this breeze a gentle, quiet voice entered into Elijah’s ears. He covered his face with his cloak and went to the mouth of the cave. Suddenly, Elijah was surprised. Eternal One: Why are you here, Elijah? What is it that you desire?

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Zealous Pursuit

Proverbs 23:17 (TPT) Don’t allow the actions of evil men to cause you to burn with anger. Instead, burn with unrelenting passion as you worship God in holy awe.

Proverbs 21:23 (NKJV) Whoever guards his mouth and tongue Keeps his soul from troubles.

Be zealous for the Lord at every waking moment. He is the reason you have air in your lungs! He is the reason we have yet another day as a gift to bless His Holy name. That’s our purpose, to bring Glory to His name and have His light shine through us.

But be careful… Don’t let your burning passion and zeal for Him quicken your tongue. Always seek His wisdom and humble yourself first before taking a step in so called “righteous anger”. Regardless of what you witness and know, the Lord is aching over His lost children, be what Jesus called us to be… LOVE! Love conquers all! All you have to do is plant a seed.

Let go and let HIM

Psalm 23:4 (TPT) Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.

Are you at the brink of despair? Do you feel like you can’t see a way out of where you feel stuck? Like you’re drowning in those dark emotions and can’t seem to reach the surface where the light shines…  That’s exactly the place where HE will meet you in the most intimate way! Continue reading

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