Last night I had a personal revelation that may sound cliche, but it was a great reminder why we need to have grace on ourselves.
I was in the middle of work and listening to my audio bible when all of a sudden I got so overwhelmed with emotions… I started praying, begging actually, for Abba to give me the same dedication and zeal like Paul had (I messaged Meghan and called myself Paula lol). When we read about Paul it seems that nothing, absolutely nothing was holding him back to do what God has called him to. Yet he does speak about our human weakness and how we do what we don’t want and don’t do what we do want.
Bottom line is, the flesh is weak but thankfully the spirit is strong.
In my “conversation” with Abba I kept saying and asking for Him to take away any weakness, any sin, anything that would prevent me from being perfect… And that’s when He gently nudged me… in this world we can’t be perfect. If we could why would we need God?! Like Duh…
Yet we are so used and accustomed to beating ourselves up for making mistakes. And don’t get me wrong, it’s good to not want to make mistakes, but Abba already knows all that. That’s why He gave us our Savior Jesus!
It sounds very Christianity 1 on 1 but so often we forget the simple yet most important facts of what our God’s love is all about. It’s easy to give in to our ever growing knowledge about Him and our studies and unfortunately that’s when pride has a tendency to sneak in. That’s when a nudge from Abba is very much welcomed. Jesus said for us to be like children. Pure and tender and full of love!
Psalm 85:2 (TPT) You’ve forgiven our many sins and covered every one of them in your love. Pause in his presence
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